Sunday, August 14, 2011


heyyyy! it's been ages I know.
Nyc is still amazing. Almost finished with my internship, good stuff. Can't wait to get myself a bar job, to meet some crazy locals and make some dollazzz.
I went to Fort Tilden beach yesterday, which is much much nicer than Rockaway. I went for a swim, water is perfect. aaaaaaaaaaaa, I love this place.
Rain is pouring today, danger of floods. Am I back in the UK?

So what's new...

managed to spoil our cat, Lieutenant.

went to the party the other day, now this is funny

went to the HIGH LINE 
old train tracks turned into cool pathway with beautiful views

 this is really cool, REVS work is blended in with the old writing of the building

cool Cad ;)

and I've seen the Sonic Youth live on Fri, even though just through the fence- you'd find it hard to believe Kim Gordon is almost 60!

 chasing rainbows

Brooklyn I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whatta cool bike!

and Faile!!!!!!!!

Ramones - Rockaway Beach